Pupil Premium Funding
The Pupil Premium Grant provides additional funding to schools to support the attainment of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, close the gap between them and their peers and ensure that they benefit from the same opportunities as their peers.
The Pupil Premium Grant was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to support pupils who are currently eligible for Free School Meals or who have been registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’). Schools also receive funding for Looked After Children, children adopted from care or who have left care under a special guardianship order or child arrangement order, and children of service personnel.
Nerrols Primary School Pupil Premium Strategy
Nerrols Primary School Pupil Premium Strategy Update 2022
How do I know if my child is eligible for Pupil Premium Funding?
Registering your child for ‘Pupil Premium’ means that the school is able to claim funding to provide additional resources and support for your child.
Parents/carers who receive any of the following may be entitled to free school meals (and the Pupil Premium):
- Income Support (IS)
- Employment Support Allowance (Income Related)
- Universal Credit with an annual household income of less than £7400 after tax
- Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA)
- Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit with an annual taxable income (as assessed by HMRC) of less than £16,190, as long as the family is not also in receipt of Working Tax Credit.
If you have recently become unemployed, but are still receiving Working Tax Credits, your child may be entitled to free school meals (advice can be obtained by telephoning Somerset County Council on 0300 123 2224).
You can complete an online application using this link
Or you can print out a copy of the Free School Meals Application Form and send the completed form to: Entitlements Team, County Hall, Taunton, TA1 4DY.