Nerrols Primary School and Nursery is a free School which opened in September 2019. The school initially opened with two classes – one Reception class offering 30 spaces and one mixed Year 1 and Year 2 class offering a total of 30 places. Each September the school has grown as a new intake of Reception children join the school.
In the 2024/2025 academic year, we have a:
- Reception class (Blossom Class)
- Year 1 class (Willow Class)
- Year 2 class (Birch Class)
- Year 3 class (Maple Class)
- Year 4 class (Rowan Class)
- Year 5 class (Hazel Class)
- Year 6 class (Oak Class)
If you are considering applying for a place at Nerrols, please read the information below carefully. We encourage all parents and carers to arrange a tour of our school to help decide if Nerrols is the place for you and your child before applying. Please contact the school office on 01823 792655.
Starting School – the ‘normal admissions round’
Children can start school the September after they turn four. Applications for children to start school in September should be made via the Somerset County Council School Admissions website.
All applications need to have been submitted by 15 January.
Starting school 2024/2025
- School Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
- Supplementary Information Form 2024-2025
- Glossary and Definitions 2024-2025
Starting school 2025/2026
Please see the School Admissions Arrangements document for over subscription criteria.
Changing School – the ‘in-year’ application process
Sometimes a change of school is unavoidable, such as when a family moves house. However, if you are considering changing your child’s school for other reasons, there are a several things that you should consider. Changing schools is a very important step and can have a significant impact on your child. This can be unsettling for a child, as it involves leaving existing friendship groups, making new friends, settling with new teachers, and getting used to a new environment. It may also affect the progress that they are making at school. For example, research has shown that English and Maths results for pupils within Key Stage 2 can drop by around 12% with just one in-year move.
If you are thinking about transferring your child to another school for reasons other than moving house, you should:
• Talk through any issues or concerns you may have with the current school.
• Be aware that, although there is a national curriculum that every child is expected to follow, each school delivers parts of this curriculum at different stages and times during the school year. If you transfer your child’s school mid-year, they might miss out or repeat a part of their learning at the new school.
• Consider any transport implications. If you transfer your child to another school, you may be responsible for transporting your child to and from school and any costs involved.
Before deciding to move schools in-year, please read this Changing Schools in Somerset In Year leaflet.
In the 2023/2024 academic year, we are able to accept applications from pupils in Reception, Year One, Year Two, Year Three, Year Four, Year Five and Year Six.
You can apply for a place using the application form below. Please return the completed ‘In year Application Form’ to You will be notified of the admission decision in writing within 10 school days of the Admission Authority receiving the completed application form.
Nerrols Primary School In-Year Application Form (This Microsoft Word form allows you to type into the required text boxes. Please ‘save’ and attach to your e-mail when complete. If you would prefer to complete your application by hand, please collect a form from our School Office).
Information for new parents and carers
Please see below for a number of documents for new children due to start school at Nerrols.
Free School Meals Application Form
Universal Infant Free School Meal Leaflet
Regular External Visits Information Letter
Nerrols Primary School Uniform
RHT FINAL Privacy Notice Parents and Carers
Joining our Nursery
We are also accepting applications for Nerrols Nursery. Please complete the ‘Expression of Interest’ form on the Nursery page
Please telephone 01823 792 669 if you need any further help, or email